Last weekend Installed Building Solutions joined forces with the Lakeville Rotary Club and Ian Wick, a local Boy Scout work on his Eagle Scout project, to build 68 beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a local non-profit that builds and delivers bunk beds to children in need in the Twin Cities area. IBS opened their warehouse to use as the workshop while Lakeville Rotary and Ian provided funding for the materials. Over 100 volunteers, many of them IBS employees and their family members, donated their time to this tremendous cause.
The volunteers heard stories of families and children without beds to sleep in throughout the day and were able to deliver beds to some of those children. It is hard to imagine not having a place to lay your head at night, but it is a reality that many children in our community face. Sleep in Heavenly is working to change that. If you want to help, check out their Facebook page and website for opportunities to get involved.