• 21025 Edmonton Avenue Farmington, MN 55024
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Jeremy LaBeau
Branch Manager
Tyler Lego
Sales Manager
Tony Peterson
Branch Manager; Horizon Electric
Nicki Mayorga
Human Resources
Christine Pettit
Office Manager
Ted Overturf
Operations Manager
Pam Schroeder
Office Coordinator II
Sandee Nieson
Administrative Assistant
Colleen Taubman
Administrative Assistant
Hilary Mason
Administrative Assistant
Steve Nieson
Waterproofing Production Manager
Tyler Mason
Scheduler; Production Manager
John Brunswold
Inside Sales
Jesse Bethke
Brian Herrmann
Bret Juenke
Matt Smith
Mike Shearer
Dave Barr
Adam Lunemann
Interiors Production Manager
Tim LaBeau
Interior Sales
Cory Meyer
Interior Sales
Andrew Lenzi
Warehouse Manager
Pat MacEnany
Steve Joyce
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